Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rants from the nut job with a head cold!

It has been one heck of a week, and my Lord its only Wednesday. I should crawl back into my hole and wait until the weekend to come out! It all started Sunday when I came down with this horrible case of the hepazoodie....that's what my grandma called a bad cold....anyway, as it never fails my dad calls Bright and early Monday morning!" OOOHHHH I'm sick" he says "you gotta take me to the doctor" I told him that I was down with a cold, and it probably would be better if he called someone else to help him this time, but oh no. So i drop off my son at my moms, and my stepdaughter at her grandmas, and go on down there. I get him to the doctor, and then to the pharmacy, me sneezing and snotting all the way. Let me tell ya, my dad was sure his usual charming self..griping about everything i do, cause nothings quite as good as he would have it done and so on. I'm so sick of the way he talks to me, he does absolutely nothing but down me you know. I don't know how I can be the fruit of his looms... Well on the way to take him home, I was driving about 60 mph, and he starts screaming at me to slow the truck down, and if he knew i was gonna do him this way he would have walked home! This was all I could take....I hit the brakes and told him if he wanted to walk, get the hell out of my truck! Of course I would never really make him walk., but I'd had enough...Then he starts this ohh poor pitiful me, I should go to the nursing home crap. Then i finally told him look, you need to think of someone besides yourself for a change, I told you when you called that I was sick too, and you didn't listen. By the time I got him home he was really upset, but honestly, at that point I didn't care. I went on to my moms, and of course my dad had called her, and told her that I'd hurt his feelings. Also that night while i was working he called my husband, and tattled on me again. Of course , after going on into work, i overdone it, and have been down the last two days with this crap....Maybe its karma, I don't know. I do love my dad, well because he is my dad.....but on the same note I really to the point I don't like him at all. Does that make Sense? Why can't he just see me for the good I do, not just what he thinks I can do better. And after all these years why do I not have the guts to tell him, That the one big thing I Continue to do better than he ever could, is take care of my family, because he sure as hell never took care of my momma and me. I guess that will just continue to be the miles of bad road that's behind me. The sad thing is I wish that I could tell him how i feel, but he will just make fun of that, as he does everything else I say and do. I'm at wits end with him. Well that's enough ranting for now....If I can just find my rock I'll crawl back under it!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Aw, honey, I know about parents. Both of mine make me want to pull my hair out most of the time. Daddy was ok up until he scooted out on everyone and hadn't had much to do with us since. Momma's gone and lost her mind...started smokin', parties too much and is always datin' a new man. She ain't too smart about it either but their your parents. How do you talk to them about what ain't too smart and what is? I feel like I'm raisin' HER most of the time. I guess she got done with me and now it's my time with her. I'm still very close to her though and we talk often. I forgive her her sins and she forgives me mine. That's family. My Dad is harder. I'd like to lie and say I've forgiven him but I haven't. Maybe I will be able to some day. I've went off a couple of times and told him how he makes me feel but now, I mostly just keep it in. It's a little easier than your situation because he don't call and he certainly don't ask me for anything. I think the secret is to remember that someone out there has it worse than you. Thank God mine is mostly out of my hair but maybe not having a father at all might be worse. Well, no matter what...someone has it worse than us and that's enough to be thankful for. ;0)

P.S. Hope you are feelin' better!