Thursday, January 22, 2009

Catching Up In 2009

Hello there! I've finally gotten time to post. I'm so glad that the holiday slump is over. We have had so much going on that I have hardly had time to check my e-mail, much less do a regular post, so hopefully now I can get back into the swing of things. Everyone around her has got some kind of issue, I'm having hell keeping up. My mom is going to have to have back surgery soon, my dad is in the hospital now and will have to have a pacemaker put in next week, my niece keeps passing out for some reason unknown to half the Dr.s in jasper county, and my poor hubby on top of it all has a toothache that will not subside.And to be perfectly honest I have a horrible case of the lazy ass syndrome! Not that is a major guess I'm just fatigued from dealing with it all.

My escape here lately has been reading. I found a copy of the book THE POISONWOOD BIBLE at a thrift store. My friend Ginger did a post with it as a subject. I have read the book twice now, and I still don't think that that I have taken it all in. There are so many things that I hope to take away from this novel that its hard for me to just point out one particular issue or the other. So yes I am going to read it one more time, and i do believe I am gonna have to use a highlighter, so I can go back to the exact points that i choose. Thank you Ginger for blogging about it, If you hadn't , It would have never dawned on me to read it. It has been the far most intriguing book I have read in a while!

My Hunter man is learning to read! I'm just dumbfounded that he's learning to read in kindergarten. It seems to me that he should be still learning to say his abc's. These kids grow up SO fast! We had an awesome time the other night with him trying to read Dr suesses One fish Two fish book to us. Oh he loved that. I'm so glad too. I hope he will love to read as i do!

My step daughter Allison and I got to spend a good bit of time together through the Christmas holidays. It did us both really good, and now we have gotten to be pretty close.I guess we just basically needed that time just me and her to get all our kinks ironed out. We usually keep in touch every day by text messages. I had to get one of those high falutin' phones with the keyboard on it to keep up. I am just turning 30 in march and I am soooo out of the loop it ain't even funny.Well I guess it is to Allison ...I'm just now getting used to the new teenage

I guess I better be done for the night. I have to work tomorrow...I'll Catch up on farm goings on in the next post. goodnight


Ginger said...

I'm glad your finally posting again. All my friends were so busy noone was posting much and I was beginning to feel lonely. I'm glad your holidays went well and I think we can both be glad they are over til we're ready for them again next year. Hope your family starts feeling better soon! And I can't wait to read a post about "The Poisonwood Bible". Since you mentioned it I'm thinking of reading it again. It was a book to make you think, wasn't it?

Ginger said...

Also glad your giving over to the high tech world of text messaging. I gave in long ago and I now prefer to text over phone calls....