Thursday, September 25, 2008

As The Hurricane Said To The Coconut Tree

Sorry guys that I haven't posted in a week or two. I've just been so wore out since the hurricane passed through, I just can't seem to catch up.Theres always so many things to do and so little time to do them in. I got an e-mail from a friend of mine that had a t-shirt from Florida on it. The caption read "AS THE HURRICANE SAID TO THE COCONUT TREE, HANG ON TO YOUR NUTS THIS AIN'T NO ORDINARY BLOW JOB" Amen......As if i would need to add anything else to

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Rectally Inserted Alarm Clock

If you happen to see a man and hear a loud WONK WONK WONK WONK sound coming from his pants, pay him no mind> IT will be my husband. He has 5, (yes 5) alarm clocks on his side of the bed. They start going off at 3:30 and 4:ooam. He let one just buzz and buzz this morning, and I told him if he doesn't shut that thing off I am gonna stick it up his ass. Those damn clocks wake up me and Hunter both, but not Mikey! He is so on my nerves this morning!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Boo Boo Chicken and the Goats

I forgot to add the other day when I posted that Michael's cousin sent her only hen home with me. Her neighbors dogs kept getting in her pen and killing her hens, and she was down to just this one. Well when I was coming home, as I pass her place this lone hen was out by the road. So her son and i catch her, and she sent her home with me so she would be safe. The funny thing is all of the kids call her Aunt Boo Boo, so when I go out to tend the chickens I holler for all my girls, and holler BOOBOO CHICKEN, and here she comes. Belinda is gonna crap when she gets her back, and has to holler BOOBOO CHICKEN for her to come. I think its so funny.
And for the two goats, they are sweet lovable little nannies. Every time I open the front door now they are bleating for us to come and give them some loving. My dear hubby walks around the yard now calling them in a goat bleat kind of voice nnnaaaannnncccyyyysss nnnnaaannnyyy ggggooooaaattttssss, and they follow behind him just like its their own special call. The things that go on at this place! Mikey thinks that's the funniest thing, and not only that now he walks around the house calling MMMmaaaammmmmmaaaaa. AS if it couldn't get any crazier! LOL

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Whew!!! The Storm Passed...Now Back to Farm Life

Well, the big Bad hurricane missed us this round...Thank God!!!! I get unnerved at the slightest mention of a big storm now....I thought for a day or two that I would need Prozac! So now back to our usual routine! I went to my sisters today and we had a good girls day. I had ti pick up my dog, that we were trying to breed with her mom in laws dog! Well they had a friend that had another min-pin that needed a home so i went and got her, and she has taken up with my husband, and has no qualms whatsoever in showing you the business end of the deal if you mess with Mikey. All in all though shes warming up to farm life nicely! Earlier we were out feeding all the critters, and a truck with a trailer rolls up the driveway. So we go out to see who it is! well it is a man I know from up at the store that has a lot of goats. I had told him that I was looking for a couple of Nubian milking goats. Well lo and behold he brought me two baby nannies, and the woman he got them from just gave them away. He insisted that I didn't owe him anything, but I knew he wanted a dozen fresh eggs, so I fixed him up. You cant beat good ole country neighbors! Before I forget I hatched 12 frizzle biddies last Sunday! They are the cutest little fuzzy things they are soo cute, and soo sweet! Y'all have a goodnight!