Thursday, January 22, 2009

Catching Up In 2009

Hello there! I've finally gotten time to post. I'm so glad that the holiday slump is over. We have had so much going on that I have hardly had time to check my e-mail, much less do a regular post, so hopefully now I can get back into the swing of things. Everyone around her has got some kind of issue, I'm having hell keeping up. My mom is going to have to have back surgery soon, my dad is in the hospital now and will have to have a pacemaker put in next week, my niece keeps passing out for some reason unknown to half the Dr.s in jasper county, and my poor hubby on top of it all has a toothache that will not subside.And to be perfectly honest I have a horrible case of the lazy ass syndrome! Not that is a major guess I'm just fatigued from dealing with it all.

My escape here lately has been reading. I found a copy of the book THE POISONWOOD BIBLE at a thrift store. My friend Ginger did a post with it as a subject. I have read the book twice now, and I still don't think that that I have taken it all in. There are so many things that I hope to take away from this novel that its hard for me to just point out one particular issue or the other. So yes I am going to read it one more time, and i do believe I am gonna have to use a highlighter, so I can go back to the exact points that i choose. Thank you Ginger for blogging about it, If you hadn't , It would have never dawned on me to read it. It has been the far most intriguing book I have read in a while!

My Hunter man is learning to read! I'm just dumbfounded that he's learning to read in kindergarten. It seems to me that he should be still learning to say his abc's. These kids grow up SO fast! We had an awesome time the other night with him trying to read Dr suesses One fish Two fish book to us. Oh he loved that. I'm so glad too. I hope he will love to read as i do!

My step daughter Allison and I got to spend a good bit of time together through the Christmas holidays. It did us both really good, and now we have gotten to be pretty close.I guess we just basically needed that time just me and her to get all our kinks ironed out. We usually keep in touch every day by text messages. I had to get one of those high falutin' phones with the keyboard on it to keep up. I am just turning 30 in march and I am soooo out of the loop it ain't even funny.Well I guess it is to Allison ...I'm just now getting used to the new teenage

I guess I better be done for the night. I have to work tomorrow...I'll Catch up on farm goings on in the next post. goodnight

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Holidays and Rememberances

Howdy again folks. The holidays are fast approaching, and as usual, I'm behind on everything! I never seem to get my shopping done when I need too! Things here on the farm are rolling along just fine. Hunter has a new pup, he's a chiweenie named Cowboy. Poor Lucy ( the cat) is pretty upset about it too. You know how princesses are! lol! She was playing in a plastic bag in the kitchen the other evening, and it wasn't long Hunter and I got passed by a Siamese streak. That cat was traveling so fast, I don't even think her paws were touching the floor. The hand loop of the bag she was paying with got looped around her tail. That poor cat made a loop or 2 through the house before the bag came off. Hunter and I were laughing at her too hard to do anything else. Theres never a dull moment around here!
Well my holiday cooking will start soon. I'm not sure if my being a good cook is a blessing or a curse, but i get so many requests during the holidays its hard to keep up! Of course I get to do the pies again this year and so far i have at least 8 to do. I'm going to make some diabetic peanut butter cookies I found a recipe for, being my dad and sister are diabetic. I also get to do potato salad, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sausage balls, and I'm sure I may get a request for my raging Cajun chili ! Honestly though, I love to cook. My grandma and I were a pretty good team, and if not for her i wouldn't be near the cook I am today. That's when i miss her the most, when it gets time to start cooking for thanksgiving, and Christmas. Mikey also misses his mom alot this time of year. There are so many things he wishes she had lived to see, the kids especially, and I know that he wishes he could just tell her that he loves her one more time. She had cancer, and passed away when Mikey was 18. I have to admit she raised a fine man. I never got to meet her, but i love her for that. She raised the wonderful man I'm married to.
Well folks I want to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving! May peace and love be with you and your family!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Young Ladies And Gentlemen

What in this world has come over these young ladies, and gentlemen in this day and time? I was bad, i was a teen that drank and partied, and had sex occasionally , but even then I just don't understand these teens today. Are these things just the in thing to do.? I know some teens do not have any moral guidance at home, but what about the kids that do? Whats their angle? Are these kids just that desperate to be in the in crowd, or is it that they feel they need to do that hoping that they will find love? Sex isn't love, its no where near it. By giving someone sex it gives them a freebie, not the feelings of love that some hope to find. I just hate to see these kids follow a bad path that I took years ago. I have seen first hand how some of the consequences of the fun turn out....It aint pretty. Now there are so many things that are out there that are so harmful. People that take advantage of other people, and don't get me started on the drugs and alcohol. ...And stds, come on now what about hiv and aids. they are out there. These teens just don't see it. Theres teen pregnancy too. I know every child put on this earth is a gift, but you can't tell me this gift is right for 13 and 14 year old girls, and to think that there are even parents that condone it. so where does that leave me . I have a soon to be 13 year old step daughter. Shes a smart girl and has a good head on her shoulders, but what do we do when the one comes along that can talk the panties off a nun...What then? And my son, he will be six soon. How in the hell am i supposed to teach him responsibility, and not to take advantage of girls, that may seem to be willing to go all the way. How in this day can you teach a boy to respect women, when everyone else proves to their kids by example that using others is ok. I'm scared to death to see what I will have to deal with when my son gets to be a teen, and I pray that somewhere along the way I can teach him not to be a prick like some of these other young men have been let to become.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Catching Up

With the weather cooling down a bit, we have all seemed to have taken sick! I just feel blah. You know the feeling when it seems like you have been shot at and missed, shit at and hit! I'm so there. And while we are on this topic, who takes care of momma when shes sick...nobody that's who. That AINT fair!!!!!I wish I had a maid! Oh well enough whining! I saw my old friend Ginger the other day! Its been so long. I was so shocked to see her I was almost speechless. It was so good to see you and your beautiful girls! Ginger when you read this, I want you to know that I wish I had thought to give you my number so we could chat, and maybe we could have taken the kids to the zoo or something. I was preoccupied, and I hope I didn't seem to be thoughtless or rude. I got my quail put in their new cage. They are in a fish tank that I have redone for them. They are button quail, and at full grown they are hardly bigger than a baby chick. Its cool to watch them. Of course everyone else around here has parakeets and finches, but ole crazy here has a fish tank full of quail...go figure. At least they have more personality than fish! As if things weren't quite crazy enough, my big blue heeler dog is pregnant! She got knocked up by the Chihuahua. I hate to see what these pups look like! well i guess that's all the farm news for now folks~ goodnight

Thursday, September 25, 2008

As The Hurricane Said To The Coconut Tree

Sorry guys that I haven't posted in a week or two. I've just been so wore out since the hurricane passed through, I just can't seem to catch up.Theres always so many things to do and so little time to do them in. I got an e-mail from a friend of mine that had a t-shirt from Florida on it. The caption read "AS THE HURRICANE SAID TO THE COCONUT TREE, HANG ON TO YOUR NUTS THIS AIN'T NO ORDINARY BLOW JOB" Amen......As if i would need to add anything else to

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Rectally Inserted Alarm Clock

If you happen to see a man and hear a loud WONK WONK WONK WONK sound coming from his pants, pay him no mind> IT will be my husband. He has 5, (yes 5) alarm clocks on his side of the bed. They start going off at 3:30 and 4:ooam. He let one just buzz and buzz this morning, and I told him if he doesn't shut that thing off I am gonna stick it up his ass. Those damn clocks wake up me and Hunter both, but not Mikey! He is so on my nerves this morning!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Boo Boo Chicken and the Goats

I forgot to add the other day when I posted that Michael's cousin sent her only hen home with me. Her neighbors dogs kept getting in her pen and killing her hens, and she was down to just this one. Well when I was coming home, as I pass her place this lone hen was out by the road. So her son and i catch her, and she sent her home with me so she would be safe. The funny thing is all of the kids call her Aunt Boo Boo, so when I go out to tend the chickens I holler for all my girls, and holler BOOBOO CHICKEN, and here she comes. Belinda is gonna crap when she gets her back, and has to holler BOOBOO CHICKEN for her to come. I think its so funny.
And for the two goats, they are sweet lovable little nannies. Every time I open the front door now they are bleating for us to come and give them some loving. My dear hubby walks around the yard now calling them in a goat bleat kind of voice nnnaaaannnncccyyyysss nnnnaaannnyyy ggggooooaaattttssss, and they follow behind him just like its their own special call. The things that go on at this place! Mikey thinks that's the funniest thing, and not only that now he walks around the house calling MMMmaaaammmmmmaaaaa. AS if it couldn't get any crazier! LOL